Current Team Members

Dr Mark Ng
Senior Lecturer
Head of the Advanced Control, Robotics, and Digital Twin Lab

Stefanie Wucherer
Thesis title: Developing a hybrid model and supervised learning approach for automated handling tasks using tactile feedback
Supervisors: Dr Mark Ng (Main, Ulster), Prof. Florian Kerber (Main, Augsburg University of Applied Sciences), Dr. Robert McMurray (Co, Ulster)

Will Aston
Thesis title: Industrialised manufacturing processes for 3D printable biomedical sensor devices
Supervisors: Dr Ming-Wei Chang (Main, Ulster), Dr Mark Ng (Co, Ulster), Prof. James McLaughlin (Co, Ulster)

Brian Kirch
Thesis title: Implementing Mechatronic Control and Analysis of Carbon Fibre Weaving
Supervisors: Dr Edward Archer (Main, Ulster), Prof. Alistair McIlhagger (Co, Ulster), Dr Mark Ng (Co, Ulster)

Shruthi Kogileru
KTP Associate
Project title: Digital Twin to Enhance Yield Reliability and Quality in a Surface Mount Technology (SMT) Manufacturing Process
Supervisors: Dr Mark Ng (Main, Ulster), Dr Yaxin Bi (Co, Ulster), Elite Electronic Systems Ltd (Industrial Partner)

Former Team Members

Niamh McCallan
Ph.D. (Completed, 2024)
Thesis title: Data-Driven Techniques and Multidimensional Analysis of Biomedical Signals for Detection and Classification of Epileptic Seizures

Scot Davidson
Ph.D. (Completed, 2024)
Thesis title: Advancements in Biomedical Signals Using Artificial Intelligence for Real-Time Detection and Classification of Epileptic Seizures